30-days free trial for autoresponder
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Additional Info
Company Name | Traffic Wave |
Contact Name | Nilanjan |
Website | https://www.trafficwave.net/members/nilaz/affiliate.html |
Mobile Number | 9331014180 |
City | Kolkata |
In each and every business, follow ups are necessary. It is difficult to make follow up calls every time. So, auto-responders are used. Once you know the name and mail id of your prospect, automated mails will reach to his inbox from your side and that also in his personal name. He will receive mails at a certain interval, as per your wish. Maybe after 3 days, then after 1 week and so on. Unlimited mails, with attractive sales letter. This is called autoresponders. You can even send to 10000 similar mails in a single click. Contact=Money. So, to maintain contacts this tool is necessary. Plus they also offer an income opportunity. I am telling you so many things because, I am an affiliate here. You can avail the entire system for free for 1st 30-days. Do you like to see their website?
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