Wanted Districtwise Distributors in Tamilnadu
MLM Leaders
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Wanted Districtwise Distributors in Tamilnadu
Additional Info
Company Name | Dlog Technologies |
Contact Name | R Chandramouliswaran |
Website | https://www.dinlog.in |
Mobile Number | 9361890902 |
City | Chennai |
Wanted Network, MLM Leaders as our Distributors, Districtwise in Tamilnadu, to appoint Direct Selling Agents/Dealers for every 5 villages with in a District. Products are: 1. Lowest Cost Organic Manure Rs.60/acre. 2. Cow Milk Booster Rs.3/day/Cow. 3. Tyre Spray – Doubles Tyre life and Saves Fuel by 15%. 4. 25 years Age Reversing Food Supplement (Launch in April 2021 only)
More details available in our website.
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